Set and Achieve Your Goals
Why bother setting goals if you aren’t going to go through the entire process of achieving them? Thousands and perhaps even millions of people set goals daily and never achieve them. According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute, only 9.2% of all people ever feel that they are successful in achieving their New Year’s resolution. And 42% give up after the first month. Are you one of those many people who set goals and don’t actually achieve them?
In this blog post I want to show you a proven way to not only set a goal but to also “achieve” it. I will give you a proven process that have helped thousands of people achieve the goals that they set. The process is super simple and won’t take you long to master and send you on your way to a more successful and prosperous life.
First thing you have to do is figure out what you goal is. Think long and hard about what it is in life that you truly want and desire. Is it a raise, a promotion, to become wealthy or to lose weight? No matter what your goal is you have to believe that you can achieve it.
After you figure out what you goal is, you have to “write it down“. A goal not written down is only a dream. You have to write it down so you and the whole world can see. Seeing is believing, so put it out in the Universe by writing it down.
Then you have to “break it down” into small simple steps. Think about it, people get overwhelmed with large task or goals, but when broken down to small manageable steps the task or goal doesn’t seem so difficult. For example, let’s say you want to save a million dollars, that would scare most people and some won’t believe they can and most won’t even get started. But let’s say you broke that goal down into small steps, like creating a bank account, then saving $100 dollars, then working some overtime to increase the speed of your saving. Those small steps done over and over again over time will get you your million dollars.
So set your goal then break it down. The method for doing this is pretty simple, I will list the steps here:
Google – Start with a google search of your goal. Google is written information about anything and everything you can imagine searching for. With Google’s speed and sophisticated algorithm, you are sure to find what you are looking for.
Youtube – Follow your Google search up with a Youtube video. Seeing is believing, so by watching a Youtube video of someone that has or is also trying to achieve a goal similar to yours, you will be able to see their excitement and get a better sense of what it may take to achieve your goal.
Read – It’s rare that a goal you are trying to achieve haven’t already been tried before. So instead of trying to do it alone, or re-create the wheel you can simply find a book about your goal or closely related and read about it. It’s like taking a short cut or having the blue print laid out for you.
Talk – Don’t just talk to anyone, but find others who have already achieved your goal or those who may be a step ahead of you and learn from them. Make sure you do your Google and Youtube search and read before you begin to talk, that way you will have a better understanding of what questions to ask and also to better understand where the people ahead of you are trying to lead you.
Education – After Google, Youtube, Reading and Talking, if you still feel you have more to learn then you can always further your education about your goal by taking a class, joining a webinar or attending a seminar.
After all these steps are met you will have the knowledge needed to begin your journey toward achieving your goal. Now it’s time to really get to work.
The next step is to take all your knowledge, research and task that you broke down in small simple steps and work on achieving your goal daily. That’s right, every single day you wake up you should be doing something that brings you closer to reaching your goal. If you work on your goal daily and never quit then over time you will eventually achieve any goal you set.
Your goal will be yours for sure if you follow the process that I just laid out. The only way to fail is to quit, stop and give up. If you keep going when things get tough, if you keep going even when other people or yourself say you can’t do it, if you keep going no matter what, you will achieve your goal.
One last bonus point I want to make is this: you must have “Self discipline” – Self discipline is what’s going to make you do all the previous steps. It will also be the reason you keep fighting even when things get tough or when life events get in your way. Self discipline is what is going to separate you from those that give up and quit or never get started.
Recommended affiliate resources for setting and achieving goals.
Goals –
Cross that bridge –
Break through goals –
Goal setting software for high achievers –
Eyes on the prize –
Goals, how to get everything you want –
369 Manifestation Code –
Dream Life Mastery –
Good Read
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